This book is intended for Visual Basic users who have mastered all the basic
functionality this language provides and now want to venture into multimedia
programming. This book is not a game-programming book. It is intended for a much
broader audience: the multimedia programmer. If you have already read some game
programming books and want to know how to use DirectX to create games in Visual
Basic, this book is for you. If you want a book that does not assume you are a
game programmer, this book is for you. If you are a non-multimedia programmer
and just want to know how to use the features of DirectX in your everyday
applications, this book is for you. This book is intended to show how DirectX
can be used in the broad multimedia market, not just with games. Pricing$39.95 ContentsIntroduction Part I Visual Basic and DirectX Development 1 Fundamentals
of DirectX 2 Multimedia
Programming in the VB Environment 3 Animation
Techniques Part II
DirectX Graphics Programming 4 Creating
Graphics with the DirectX Graphics Object 5 Creating
Basic Animations with Surface Objects 6 Palettes
and Palette Animation 7 3D
Geometry 8 Direct3D 9 Using
Direct3D Part III
Monitoring User Input with DirectInput 10 Using
DirectInput to Manage User Interactions 11 Action Mapping 12 The Keyboard 13 The Joystick 14 The Mouse Part IV
Adding Music and Sounds with DirectAudio 15 DirectX
Audio[md]DirectMusic and DirectSound 16 Composing Music 17 Adding Sounds to
Your Application with DirectSound Part V
Streaming Media with DirectShow 18 Introduction
to DirectShow 19 Using
DirectShow for Digital Editing 20 Multimedia
Players Part VI
Multiuser Strategies with DirectPlay 21 Using
DirectPlay to Create Multiplayer Games 22 Using Lobbies
to Create Player Interactions 23 Managing
Games with DirectPlay 24 Using
DirectPlay Voice in Your Application Part VII
Finishing Touches 25 DirectSetup Part VII
Appendix A Using DirectX with Visual Basic .NET
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